When most people hear the word slug mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is, “Ewww.” Slugs are not typically thought of with the fondness afforded more enticing class pets like rabbits or lizards or even aquarium fish. However, slugs make a better pet than any of these more traditional choices.
Our book includes photographs introducing the slug to the classroom, shows how children can create a Sculpy® Slug and make a paper habitat for it. Teachers can copy or cut out the 3-part teaching materials provided for children to learn the biology of the slug, plus included is a “peace slug stretch” an exercise, and photos showing how to make a beautiful habitat for a real slug at home.
Our goal with this book is to show teachers and parents just how exciting the world of slugs can be. We suggest that slugs be considered as having a place in a child’s home and/or in a classroom.